How to Get the Best Classroom Furniture Grants For Your School
Grants are great, because it’s money you don’t have to pay back; however, grants aren’t always the easiest to obtain. Although your school may truly need the funding, it is difficult not to make it seem like you’re just in it for the money. You must make a case for your school and why it needs certain grants more than other schools.
V.i.P.S. has partnered with many of our manufactures to offer $2,500 grants to all schools toward different project categories.
- $25,000+ new locker project
$25,000+ new cafeteria project
$25,000+ new toilet partition project
$25,000+ new library/ media center project
$25,000+ new art room project
$25,000+ new STEM room project
$25,000+ new e-sports room project
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